Indahnya Duniaku...

pada tanggal 1 Desember 1996..
aku terlahir di Bumi...
saat-ku lahir...
ku-lihat orang tua-ku tersenyum melihat-ku..
seiring berjalannya waktu...
aku mulai tumbuh dan menyadari susahnay menjadi manusia di Bumi...
tetapi aku belajar agar menjadi yang lebih baik..
saat aku bisa melihat isi dunia ini...
aku sangat kagum karna...
tuhan mnciptakan segalanya dengan sempurna..
sekarang aku dapat bergaul dengan sesama...
aku mempunyai banyak teman..
terkadang aku tak suka dengan sikap teman-ku..
walaupun begitu..
manusia diciptakan untuk salaing melengkapi...
aku sangat senang dengan kehidupan-ku...
karna aku dapat bermain, belajar dll..
aku juga bangga dengan orang tua yang merawat-ku hingga saat ini...
suatu saat nanti akan kubuat dunia-ku yang lebih indah lagi..

don't say you're lazy

Please don't say "You are lazy"
Because seriosuly, we are crazy
When even the graceful swan
Thrashes its legs about underwater.
We're truly following our instincts, open to criticism anytime
We got a bright future anyway
That's why we need to take a break sometimes

Judge the course carefully with your very own eyes
And mark your destinations on the map
Where there's a shortcut (take it), that's a given
Got wings to take you there? That's better
"Oh crap, I broke my nail!"  and you fix it with glue
And just that can make you feel so accomplished
You need to take good care of yourself,
 that's important
You can't love others
  if you don't love yourself first

it's for girl

when it comes to girls.
I'm sure any one of them could do it
An original magic

The things I long for are far away
Tears somehow are close
So, my heart sways
Let's, now, put all of that to music

Even the feelings I can't put into words
Will become an honest melody
Heard by people's ears
Felt in people's hearts
With a magic that leaves behind something warm

Girls, you know,
Are greedy, myself included
But their love, dreams,
And even friendships are always earnest
Having disagreed with each other
Having fought with each other
When my heart is broken
I'll secretly hide away the pain
Cheer Up, Girls!
Are granting all your wishes
And raising sharp all the feelings
That have fallen flat
A radiant future
A gentle smile
Are just notes brought forth,
Granted by my fingertips

ketika kau dan aku

setiap tanggal 25 Desember...
aku s'lalu menunggumu...
kau lupa dengan hal yang kita lakukan bersama saat natal..
kau s'lalu memberikan hadiah natal yang istimewa untuk ku...
kau lupa...
saat kita bernyanyi bersama denganku..
sekarang kau pergi dariku dan menghilang begitu saja...
maukah kau kembali ke sisiku kembali..
ku sangat mengharapkanmu untuk kembali