it's for girl

when it comes to girls.
I'm sure any one of them could do it
An original magic

The things I long for are far away
Tears somehow are close
So, my heart sways
Let's, now, put all of that to music

Even the feelings I can't put into words
Will become an honest melody
Heard by people's ears
Felt in people's hearts
With a magic that leaves behind something warm

Girls, you know,
Are greedy, myself included
But their love, dreams,
And even friendships are always earnest
Having disagreed with each other
Having fought with each other
When my heart is broken
I'll secretly hide away the pain
Cheer Up, Girls!
Are granting all your wishes
And raising sharp all the feelings
That have fallen flat
A radiant future
A gentle smile
Are just notes brought forth,
Granted by my fingertips

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